13 Division CPLC
Community Police Liaison Committee

CPLC Meeting - December 9th
Have your voice heard and contribute to the safety and security of our community
Join us for the next 13 Division - Toronto Police Community Police Liaison Committee (CPLC) Meeting
Date: Monday, December 9th, 2024
Time: 6pm-7:30pm
Location: York-Fairbank Centre for Seniors (2213 Dufferin St)

CPLC Meeting - December 11th
Have your voice heard and contribute to the safety and security of our community
Join us for the next 13 Division - Toronto Police Community Police Liaison Committee (CPLC) Meeting
Monday December 11th 6pm - 730pm

Food Drive - December 12
Please join us for a Food Drive
December 12th
Loblaws at St. Clair and Bathurst.
Thank you for your support!

Pumpkin Giveaway
Come and join Fairbank Village BIA for a Pumpkin Giveaway !
Friday Oct 27th - 4. - 6pm
Hartley Ave and Eglinton Ave W

Coffee with a Cop
Come join us for Coffee With a Cop
Monday Oct 23rd from 8:30 to 10am
681 St. Clair Ave W

Safety Tips - Auto Crime
Security Tips from 13 Division on the recent auto crimes in the neighbourhood

Safety Tips - Break and Enter
13 Division Police provide some tips on preventing break and enters

We hope to see you Saturday September 30th for our next Cram a Cruiser event!
Thank you for your support

Next CPLC meeting May 10th
Please join our next 13 Division CPLC meeting May 10th at 6pm at the John Howard Society 1669 Eglinton Ave. W

Food Drive April 22
Please come out and support our next Cram-A-Cuiser food drive in support of Culture LatinAmericano Food Bank.
April 22nd
11am - 3pm
Gino’s No Frills on Eglinton

Another successful food drive!
Thank you to our wonderful community for your overwhelming support with our food drive in support of Centro Cultural LatinoAmericano Food Bank. The Cram a Cruiser, raised 200 bags of food, $75 gift card and $275 in cash

CPLC Meeting January 24
Please join us either in person or virtually at our next 13 Division CPLC meeting - January 24th

13 Division Christmas Toy Drive!
Please support our 13 Division Christmas Toy Drive. December 16h

Cram a Cruiser!
Another successful cram-a-cruiser event at Forest Hill Loblaws! Thank you to our community for all you do and all you give!

Coffee With a Cop
We had a great Coffee-With-A-Cop event on October 12th at Yummy Tummy. Thank you for hosting us Fairbank Community!

Donation to Sick Kids from the Eglinton Sickle Cell Foundation
At our last CPLC meeting 13 Division, Eglinton Sickle Cell Foundation was proud to presents a cheque for $10,000 to Sick Kids Foundation

Put the Breaks on Car Jacking
The police are running a Put the Breaks on Carjackings campaign to raise awareness and provide advice on how to stay safe.
Here are some easy to remember tips to protect yourself.