The 13 Division CPLC (Community Police Liaison Committee) is made up of community volunteers and police service representatives from neighbourhoods across 13 Division. Our committee is inclusive to reflect the demographics of the local community.
You do not need to be a member of the 13 Division CPLC to attend any one of our general meetings as a public observer. Everyone is welcome.
be a proactive community member within 13 Division;
have an outlet to distribute information about public safety and community engagement initiatives (such as community newsletters, email newsletters, association bulletins, and/or social media);
be an advocate for the Toronto Police within their community;
attend 3 consecutive CPLC meetings;
right-click (on Windows) or control-click (on macOS) this download link to download the application form (cc_application_form_cmu10.pdf) to your computer;
complete and/or print the application form using the free Adobe Acrobat Reader;
successfully complete a CPIC check with Toronto Police Service.
If you are interested in joining the CPLC, or attending one of our general meetings, please feel free to contact us.
For more information, please visit